Vesna Karin, Plesna praksa Dinaraca u Vojvodini [The Dance Practice of the Dinaric People in Vojvodina], Novi Sad: Akademija umetnosti, 2018.

  • Селена Ракочевић Универзитет уметности у Београду, Факултет музичке уметности, Катедра за етномузикологију


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Еthnochoreologist and ethnomusicologist focused on diversities of multicultural and multiethnic dance and musical traditions of Serbia, author of four books devoted to traditional dance and music. Curently she is an associated professor at the Department for Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, Belgrade and at the Music Department at the Academy of Arts, Novi Sad, where she teaches ethnochoreology. She was a guest lecturer at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Vigo (Spain) and Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (Ireland) under the ERASMUS+ . She was a team member of the successful nomination of “Kolo. Traditional Dance in Serbia” for the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2017.
