Atila Sabo, The Post-Tonal Context and Narrative Function of Harmonic Language: Shostakovich, Hindemith, Bartók

  • Ana Stefanović University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music, Department of Musicology


Book review

Author Biography

Ana Stefanović, University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music, Department of Musicology

musicologist, full professor of musicology at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. She is also an Associate Researcher at IreMus, Paris. She received her MA degree at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade and her PhD in musicology at the University of Paris IV – Sorbonne. Her main areas of research are: baroque opera, solo song, the relationship between music and text, as well as issues in musical hermeneutics, musical narratology and musical stylistics. She is engaged in several international and national projects in musicology and is the author of a large number of studies and articles published in musicology and music theory periodicals and essay collections. She has edited several collections of papers and organised multiple international conferences in the field of musicology and music theory. Her published books comprise the following: La musique comme métaphore. La relation de la musique et du texte dans l’opéra baroque français: de Lully à Rameau, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2006; Temporality and Narrativity in Music Drama, Belgrade, FMU, 2017, as well as Anthology of Serbian Art Song I–VI, Belgrade, UKS, 2008–2014.
