Redžep-Rečko Međedović as an Interpreter of the Vocal-Instrumental Practice of Pazar Song
Redžep-Rečko Međedović is the best known performer of “Pazar song” an element of the traditional musical heritage in Novi Pazar. Starting from the seventies of the 20th century till today, Međedović has been performing Pazar and other songs accompanied by a stringed instrument – the đumbuš/banjo at weddings, dance parties and other gatherings, and enjoys huge popularity in the local community. For the purposes of this paper, field research was conducted several times in Novi Pazar, from 2011 till today, when valuable ethnographic data were collected and invaluable musical material was recorded. Međedović’s interpretations and testimonies helped to define the characteristics of the Pazar song, as a subgenre of urban music in Serbia, that is, to better understand the semantics of its current practice.
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