КЋИ ОПЕРЕ Jelena Novak, Operofilia, Beograd: Orion Art, 2018, 182 str. ISBN978-86-6389-088-6

  • Valentina Radoman University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology


Док се својим претходним књигама Jелена Новак читалачкој публици представила као врсна теоретичарка уметности, због чега се поменуте књиге редовно користе у настави на музиколошким катедрама у Србији или и региону, књигом Operofilia ауторка је искорачила у један међужанр који захтева снажну интервенцију самог читаоца.


Author Biography

Valentina Radoman, University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology

Valentina Radoman, PhD, is musicologist, Assistant Professor at the Department of Musicology and Ethno-Musicology at the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad. She graduated from the Department for Musicology and Ethno-Musicology at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. At the same institution she obtained her M. A. degree. She is the author of numerous studies with contemporary concepts of musical nationalism and postcolonial studies as main research themes. She has published the scientific studies in scholarly international journals and international collections of papers. She has published scientific studies in the second and third volume of the Capital Edition of the Istorija umetnosti u Srbiji, XX vek (History of Art in Serbia, The 20th Century), edited by Miško Šuvaković, Ph.D. She is the author of the books Muzika, Politika, Užitak: Funkcije politike i ideologije u muzičkom modernizmu (Music, Politics, Jouissance: Functions of Politics and Ideology in Musical Modernism, Beogad, Orion Art, 2018) and Muzički impresionizam: Elementi impresionističkog stila u srpskoj muzici prve polovine 20. veka (Musical Impressionism: The Elements of the Impressionistic Style in Serbian Music in the First Half of the 20th Century, Novi Sad, Akademija umetnosti Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2018).
