Big Festival Jubilee. Review of the 60th Music Panel (November 3–5, 2023)

  • Miloš Marinković Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Established in the early 1960s in Opatija, the Yugoslav Music Panel (today, the Music Rostrum) had been a unique setting for interaction and communication among Yugoslav composers of various aesthetic, poetic and stylistic backgrounds until the disintegration of Yugoslavia (1990). This festival had long ceased to be Yugoslav, and since recently, it is not even an Opatija festival any more. However, despite all the misfortunes, it has kept going as an essential gathering place for contemporary music. Last year, from November 3 to 5 in Osijek, under the auspices of the Croatian Composers’ Society and Cantus d.o.o., the 60th jubilee MR was held, which sought to reaffirm some issues from the past, give an overview of the current trends of contemporary music, and most importantly, to open perspectives for its future.

Author Biography

Miloš Marinković, Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Miloš Marinković, Ph.D., is a Research Associate at the Institute of Musicology SASA. He completed his doctoral studies in musicology at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, where he defended his doctoral dissertation Yugoslav Festivals of Contemporary Music Established During the Sixties of the Twentieth Century: Interconnections of Artistic, Social and Political Platforms (2023). He held a scholarship from the CEEPUS program as part of a research stay at the University of Ljubljana. Marinković worked on the main project of the Institute of Musicology SASA, Identities of Serbian Music from Local to Global Frameworks: Traditions, Changes, Challenges, and he is currently engaged in the project Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society — APPMES (financed by the Serbian Science Fund). His research interests focus on contemporary music, music festivals and the relationship between music and politics in former socialist countries.
