The Wonderful Colourfulness of Our Discipline. A Conversation with Dušan Mihalek

  • Ana Kotevska Serbian Musicological Society


Conversation with a musicologist

Author Biography

Ana Kotevska, Serbian Musicological Society

Ana Kotevska, МА, until 1993, worked as an editor and music critic at Radio Belgrade 3 and Radio Belgrade 2 and thne, until her retirement, as the director of the Sokoj Music Information Centre. In 2013, she was elected President of the Serbian Musicological Society. In addition to her continuous work in writing critical reviews and essays for various printed and audiovisual media, she also publishes her research in musicology, primarily on French fin-de-siecle music, contemporary music, radiophony, and the music of West Africa. She is founding member of the editorial board of the New Sound International Journal of Music.
